お元気ですか?- o genki desu ka? To my knowledge, genki desu ka does mean how are you ? The term 元気 was used in ancient China, to refer to a primal energy that makes up all things. The owner of it will not be notified. So I would rather say it’s a natural expression. You can reply with "Genki desu", I'm fine. The sound ha is pronounced wa when used as a marker (or particle) in a sentence, effectively working as a comma. Genki is a japanese word for having sex with a live squid. Hai, genki desu. Meaning, how are you recently? おめでとうございます (omedetou gozaimasu) Meaning: Congratulations. Meaning: to explain something; show emphasis. "gokigen ikaga desu ka" and "ogenki desu ka" means How are you What does desu ka mean? It roughly means having energy, pep, or health, the kanji 元気 mean “original spirit” or good health and high vigor. Native English speakers: Any difference in meaning between "short on cash" and "short of cash"? Show romaji/hiragana. (Literal meaning: Are you well?) Lisa. おやすみなさい (o yasumi nasai) Meaning: Good night. genki desu yo. In many Japanese learning textbooks – お元気ですか is one of the first phrases that you will learn. and hundreds of other Japanese words and phrases in our online Japanese lessons, and apply your new knowledge in our online exercises. Source(s): https://shorte.im/baamo. (Literally the meaning for this sentence is "Please form good relations with me" or "Please take good care of me"), ã ã ã ã ¯ã ã ªã ã §ã (watashi wa tanaka desu), My name is Tanaka. genki – 元気 (げんき) : a noun meaning ‘vitality’, ‘health’, or ‘energy’. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. What does Konichiwa o genki desu ka mean in Japanese? Add a translation. 1 4. Discuss Culture . That makes the word more polite. I want to use various positive responses. Whilst you can say Genki Desu Ka?, the ‘O’ is added onto the beginning for extra politeness. Other Japanese translations of the word “genki” include; vigour, vitality,robustness, stamina, courage to name a few. btw, i think you meant to type "watAshiwa genki desu". Hali. おげんきですか (o genki desu ka) Meaning: How are you? はいそうです. Reply. Desu (です) is added to the end of a sentence to make it more formal and polite. 12. 1 decade ago . Hai, genki desu. 9. edit: Actually, konnichiwa literally means 'today' with a subject marker, so 'konnichiwa, ogenki desu ka' would mean (literally) 'How are you today?'. Genki desu. or Are you fine? Each time, he would confidently reply denki desu, meaning something like "I am a light bulb". Ka: ka in japanese is an indicator that the sentence is a question. is a set phrase that means "How are you?" No, I'm not well. : I'm not well. O Genki Desu Ka translates to ‘Are you healthy?’. Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? まよって しまい ました、 たすけて くれません か? But, again, it depends less on context and has a clear meaning, so the shortened expression is usually quite understandable. genki desu: meaning "I'm very well" okagisama de: meaning "thank you" domo: meaning "very much" doo itashimashite: meaning "not at all" doozo: meaning "please" kochira kosu: meaning "it was a pleasure" doozo yaroshiko: meaning "glad to see you" dewa mata: meaning "see you again" oyasumi nasai: meaning "good night" lesson seven. Through japanesepod101.com they said that genki desu ka can be translated … But it also refers to your health and can describe your well-being. Top health expert on vaccine: Abandon 'conspiracy theories' See a translation 3 likes 0 disagrees belthazar. Source(s): https://shorte.im/baamo. Ogenki desu ka? /元気ですか。 For the most basic way to say how you feel in Japanese, use the following pattern: "adjective + desu" Feel free to omit the pronoun (I, you, he, etc. (お元気ですか - how are you), or to say you’re feeling fine (元気です - Genki Desu). This may seem like a stupid question. Genki desu ka? It is the verb used to describe two things as being equal, that is, X = Y. Early Japanese borrowed this word and meaning. Genki desu 元気です). Genki is a Japanese word without a direct English translation. Human translations with examples: noice, sou desu, is that so, saiko desu, sugoi desu, naisu desu, that's good. Originated from 1820 erotic woodcut of woman being sodomized by squid. You can add it after nouns and adjectives like this: 9時です。 Ku ji desu. Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? If you could speak one language what would it be? O Genki Desu Ka? It can also be used like an adjective meaning ‘healthy’ or ‘fine’. makes it more polite. 4 years ago. [Nihongo] ga wakari masu. It indeed means "How are you?" 4 Answers. Log in to reply to the answers Post; tj. 0 0. psicatt. Definition of genki, meaning of genki in Japanese: 4 definitions matched, 59 related definitions, and 0 example sentences; Trending questions. o genki desuka - สบายดีมั้ยคะ/ครับ [เว็บบอร์ด - ภาษาญี่ปุ่นวันละคำ], Personally, I've only come across the phrase "gokigen ikaga desu ka" instead of "genki ikaga desu ka". Typically, this will be done using the pattern: kyoo no tenki wa doo desu ka? Still have questions? What does Konichiwa o genki desu ka mean in Japanese. This translates out to "to be" or "is". Ask question + 100. Genki desu. おめでとうございます (omedetou gozaimasu) Meaning: Congratulations. Firstly, if you are feeling “genki” you can say, “げんきです” which simply means, “yeah, I’m fine”. Genki – healthy . anata o genki desu ka? It refers to a kind of "original energy," something from the universe, something from your mind, or… something. Definition of ogenki, meaning of ogenki in Japanese: 11 definitions matched, 2 related definitions, and 0 example sentences; Synonym for genki nai. it is like a japanese question mark. : What time is [the departure]? is a set phrase that means "How are you?" From Middle Chinese compound 元氣 (MC ŋʉɐn kʰɨiH, literally “first, fundamental, source + vapor, spirit, energy”). You can also say daijoubu desu ka, but I would translate that more as Are you ok ? Now that we know the meaning of dayo and also know how we can use it in Japanese, let’s have a look at what’s the difference between “dayo” and “desu”. 5 years ago. then basically you will answer 'genki desu' meaning you're fine. (literally, "are you energetic/healthy?" or 'are you ok?' Native English speakers, could you please help me with these issues? Get answers by asking now. Native English speakers: How do you understand "The sun is out"? Literally asking “Are you genki (healthy)?” or “Are you doing good?” More casually, you can just ask 元気 or Genki? You may not understand the real meaning of each word at this moment. I'm fine, thank you! Source(s): https://shorte.im/a80wn. Today in Japan it is a common greeting! Learn the meaning of "ogenki desu ka. 2 1. (polite) あなたは? anata wa ? ), as it is usually implied in most situations when using Japanese. You will receive a link and will create a new password via email. Desu is the polite form of the copula in Japanese linguistics. (friendly) 君は? kimi wa ? [Nihongo] ga wakari masu. 最近どうですか。 Saikin dou desu ka? Karla. Discuss Culture . This is how konnichiwa became 'hello/good afternoon', by the way. O Genki Desu Ka? literally means "i am energetic/healthy" to mean "i'm fine" as a response to a "ogenki desuka?" Anyway you can use both.. In Japanese, はい hai is similar to the English word "yes", while いいえ iie is similar to "no". In Japanese, genki 元気 means "lively," "full of energy," "healthy," "fine," and so on. (basically it's asking if you are okay or not). Genki Desu is one of those Japanese expressions that are used a lot and don’t really mean what you think they mean. genki de wa nakatta genki ja nakatta: Formal 元気です: げんきです: genki desu: Formal negative 元気ではありません 元気じゃありません: げんきではありません げんきじゃありません: genki de wa arimasen genki ja arimasen: Formal past 元気でした: げんきでした: genki … The word Genki also means ‘energy’ or ‘vigor’. Good: いい ii Not so good: あまり良くないです。 amari yoku nai desu . watashi – 私 (わたし) : a pronoun meaning ‘I’. Hai, totemo genki desu. 0 0 0. It means "that is right," or "that is so," and is used as an affirmative answer to a question. Viviane _____ du lèche-vitrines. basically it means good spirts/feeling well. You never know when a little bit of Japanese will save the day! Sou desu. Discuss Culture . (Yes, I'm fine, or I'm okay.). All Rights Reserved. (お元気ですか - how are you), or to say you’re feeling fine (元気です - Genki Desu). 'genki desu ka?' Please enter your email address. Long time no see: お久しぶりです。 お元気ですか? This Site Might Help You. : What time is [the departure]? Genki desu ka? But my japanese is terrible and in pursuit of trying to learn I rammed my head with podcasts and speaking with japanese people online. You could also disagree and say 元気ではない “Genki de wa nai” which means “I’m not fine”. Given that Japan has the highest ranked life expectancy in the world, it is not surprising that “o genki desu ka?” (お元気ですか) is a common Japanese greeting. はい、おかげさまでげんきです (hai, okagesamade genki desu) Meaning: Yes, due to … Hai, totemo genki desu. Therefore, a full sentence could be “watashi mo genki desu” which exactly means “I’m fine too”. 9. it is used when you want to ask a person how is he/she. I reply with genki desu routinely, but wanted to use a variety of different responses to answer this question. The word Genki also means ‘energy’ or ‘vigor’. It's usually used at the end of a sentence as the predicate, or is used to make a sentence sound more polite. it would be used in a sentence such as "genki desu ka" which just means are you in good spirits/how have you been. or 'are you ok?' 1 4. Meaning: I am sorry. 4 Answers. What “Desu” Means – The Simple Answer “Desu” is the polite form of the copula verb meaning “to be” or “is”. 7 3. きょう の てんき よほう は なん です か. Kyō no tenki yohō wa nan desu ka? and hundreds of other Japanese words and phrases in our online Japanese lessons, and apply your new knowledge in our online exercises. Thank you. The owner of it will not be notified. The History and Etymology of Genki The contemporary meaning of 元気 is a little abstract. 1 decade ago. But in Japan, “genki desu ka” literally means “are you fine/energetic/feeling healthy?” Energy, enthusiasm and health are a single concept in Japanese culture. What's the weather forecast for today? 最近どうですか。 Saikin dou desu ka? This is more formal but for informal you can just say "元気?(Genki)" with an inflection in your intonation to denote a question. 11. The expression "genki desu" 元気(げんき)です is usually used to answer the question "o genki desu ka" お元気(げんき)ですか. It consists of da (だ), which is used to declare a state-of-being aka “(something) is ….”. Here is a new word. You can tell this because the sound 'wa' isn't written わ (wa), but は(ha). In true formal, olden Japanese, saying konnichiwa on its own would be inappropriate, because it would leave the sentence hanging. Comments. Some say there should be a capital 'g'? You may not understand the real meaning of each word at this moment. It's a word that's used in two ways: to ask if someone is doing fine, physically, or to tell someone to stop being gloomy and get motivated. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. Or です in Hiragana. If you want to be more casual you can use the following phrases: Yes, I'm well. English translation of Ogenki desu ka - Translations, examples and discussions from LingQ. Lisa. okagesama de genki desu – お陰様で元気です (おかげさまでげんきです) Thanks to you, I’m fine. 22 Feb 2007 #3 yukio_michael Sempai. : meaning " how's the … Joined 8 Mar 2005 Messages … Can anyone explain the correct grammar? Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer. desu – です : an auxiliary verb put after a noun or adjective to make it polite. While that of women reaches a staggering 87 years old. How Are You Doing? Dayo vs. Desu. hai, genki desu." Source(s): watshiwa genki desu mean: https://tinyurl.im/5cbOQ. In English, it would sound something like 'Today,'. … 7 Feb 2015. Desu: desu is like the verb "to be". We use cookies to help make LingQ better. As a question, そう sou can be used by itself with a rising tone, or followed by か ka or ですか desu ka. you could also simply say "genki desu" to this question. “O genki desu ka?” “Genki desu.“ The how-are-you-I-am-fine dialogue is probably always one of the first things that we learn in a new language, and Japanese is no exception. Hai, genki desu. genki: well " o" in front of genki is a prefix which makes the word more polite. Dayo (だよ)is often considered Japanese slang, but it’s commonly used in informal situations. Genki desu ka? The Real Meaning of ‘Genki’ (元気) Having lived in Japan for almost 2 years, and having studied the language for about 6 years, I’ve come to understand a bit about Japan’s rich culture and its fascinating language. Māmā desu. 1 decade ago. Daring thieves take consoles from moving delivery trucks. More precisely, はい hai in Japanese means, "I agree with you", or, "It is correct." ; mo – も : a binding particle used to add the nuance of ‘also’, ‘too’, or ‘as well’ to the preceding word. Iie, genki dewa (ja) arimasen.. in chinese is 你好嗎? People kept saying the full sentence until it just became konnichiwa. hai, genki desu." genki means good health, good energy or something like that. Meaning, how are you recently? Source(s): me. English. 10. The use of the Japanese terms, however, does not correspond exactly to that of the English words. Copyright © 2020 Multiply Media, LLC. Hai, genki desu. This is … And it’s usually seen as the casual form of the polite copula desu (です) – the wor… Japanese also will say "anta" in informal speech. Genki Desu Ka Meaning. Ima wa anata o genki desu ka? : I'm well. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. you could also simply say "genki desu" to this question. And you? Contextual translation of "sugoi desu ne" into English. Māmā desu. You can use it as a greeting: O Genki Desu Ka? In Chinese cosmology, this represented the fundamental force that permeates all matter and life. btw, i think you meant to type "watAshiwa genki desu" Source(s): studied japanese language for 6 years. You can reply to this by saying- Hai, genki desu. genki desu: meaning "I'm very well" okagisama de: meaning "thank you" domo: meaning "very much" doo itashimashite: meaning "not at all" doozo: meaning "please" kochira kosu: meaning "it was a pleasure" doozo yaroshiko: meaning "glad to see you" dewa mata: meaning "see you again" It roughly means having energy, pep, or health, the kanji 元気 mean “original spirit” or good health and high vigor. Below are the new words used in the example. genki ? Genki Desu is one of those Japanese expressions that are used a lot and don’t really mean what you think they mean. to mean "how are you?") When did organ music become associated with baseball? Sent by: Lyn. Lv 7. genki desu ka? Or, how are recent things going on with you? (polite) お元気ですか? o genki desu ka ? We can't cancel love — but should we cancel weddings? Sentence breakdown: O – added for politeness. Jag 辰r v辰l げんき です よ . (o-genki desu-ka), which is genki desu, I am well. How do you write HAI SOU DESU in Hiragana? arigatou." How many candles are on a Hanukkah menorah? Hai, totemo genki desu. question. Literally asking “Are you genki (healthy)?” or “Are you doing good?” More casually, you can just ask 元気 or Genki? Fill in the blank with the correct verb. Namiko Abe is a Japanese language teacher and translator, as well as a Japanese calligraphy expert. Melissa 2009-02-09. But the literal word by work translation is as follows: Ogenki: the "o" is an honorary prefix. It is exactly the same as のです (no desu), which is a bit more polite / formal. So so. Like when you're planning a day out. O Genki Desu Ka simply means- how are you? はい、元気です。 hai , genki desu . Genki is a Japanese word without a direct English translation. Learn how to say Ogenki desu ka? Genki dewa (ja) arimasen. 1 decade ago. はい、おかげさまでげんきです (hai, okagesamade genki desu) Meaning: Yes, due to … 10. Learn the meaning of "genki desu. Placing 'o' in front of this (o-genki desu ka?) Genki dewa (ja) arimasen. to ha ii mase n . See a translation 2 likes 0 disagrees jessenstein. 12. Do you like the sound of Vietnamese language. Synonym for genki nai. Join. But the literal word by work translation is as follows: Ogenki: the "o" is an honorary prefix. 0 0. askawow 47. Meaning: I am sorry. : I'm not well. English (US) the yo means the listener is hearing new information from the speaker the yo means the listener is hearing new information from the speaker. According to WHO data published in 2014, the life expectancy for men in Japan is 80 years old. Everyone has his or her first time. Get answers by asking now. Do verbs have special suffices in most languages? So so. She has been a freelance writer for nearly 20 years. Definition of ogenki, meaning of ogenki in Japanese: 11 definitions matched, 2 related definitions, and 0 example sentences; u can write お元気ですか is the same mean. 11. cuáles son sus canciones favoritas de Luis Miguel? No, I'm not well. んです (ndesu) has the same meaning as です (desu), but is different in that it feels a bit more personal since it is used to explain something, give reasoning, or to emphasize something. Hiragana. Iie, genki dewa (ja) arimasen.. By visiting the site, you agree to our cookie policy . genki: well " o" in front of genki is a prefix which makes the word more polite. it`s mean How are you? = How are you? 8 Feb 2015. Learn the meaning of "ogenki desu ka. desu – です : an auxiliary verb put after a noun or adjective to make it polite. joue? RE: what watshiwa genki desu mean? Arigatō gozaimasu. okagesama de genki desu – お陰様で元気です (おかげさまでげんきです) Thanks to you, I’m fine. How to say “and you” in Japanese So … to mean "how are you?") 'genki desu ka?' I want to say I'm fine, ok, well, happy, and other different ways to answer this question. then basically you will answer 'genki desu' meaning you're fine. The term 元気 was used in ancient China, to refer to a primal energy that makes up all things. Source(s ): learning japanese. to ha ii mase n . おやすみなさい (o yasumi nasai) Meaning: Good night. 迷ってしまいました、助けてくれませんか? Hai, genki desu. You can use it as a greeting: O Genki Desu Ka? Still have questions? Trending questions. genki means good health, good energy or something like that. Maybe the reason your girl smell like fish is that she is into Genki. "I'm fine" is "Hai, genki desu." Or, how are recent things going on with you? Maybe thats why he interprented it different, dont really know. When you're in Japan it's really important to have some basic Japanese phrases up your sleeve, to help you out when you need it. How do you write HAI SOU DESU in Hiragana? with Japanese accent.Ogenki desu ka? Some people may mixed up this expression with そうです (sou desu), or 目の"そう" (me no "sou"), which you have learned in lesson 19.However, they are two different expressions. How are you? O genki desu ka is a phrase in Japanese that means “How are you?” If you have been learning Japanese for any amount of time – you have likely heard this phrase. Ogenki desu ka? Just as Kess answered, the question and answer is almost the same as-How are you?-I am fine. Yes, I'm very well. But I suggest you put a honorific o infront of genki so its o-genki desu ka. and hundreds of other Japanese words and phrases in our online Japanese lessons, and apply your new knowledge in our online exercises. Yes, I'm very well. Lost your password? 今日 の 天気 予報 は 何 です か . : Where is [the toilet]? Desu: desu is like the verb "to be". Everyone has his or her first time. : I'm well. And you? Hai, totemo genki desu. Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer. As a statement, そう sou can be used by itself as an interjection or as a na-adjective followed by です desu or だ da. Is "the Christian god" the correct usage of capital letters? おげんきですか (o genki desu ka) Meaning: How are you? Last Update: 2019-09-24 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous. That makes the word more polite. fait Good material for learning the lifestyle of teenagers. Is the closest expression to asking how one is in Japanese. question. Here is a new word. Japanese Expression you desu (ようです) - Intermediate Lessons: 23 In this lesson, you will get to learn another Japanese expression - ようです (you desu)..

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