Empirical Studies of Déroulé de la séance • Image et texte : La Tour de Babel de Martin van Valckenborch (en lien avec la Bible). Critical words that were integrable with the prior text produced reduced N400s compared to baseline. 12. Littérature -- Commentaire de texte. par ... by Aristoteles. the relative value of the linguistic word categorization, the semantic paradigm, and the medical fact delineation. by Henry Adams Bellows, [1936], full text etext at sacred-texts.com Paris 1996 (= Bibliothèque de la Pléiade). Qualitative predictions derived from the theory with the parameter estimates from the first study were in agreement with the data. A second recall (R2) and a second questionnaire (Q2) are then performed. Dans le cadre de notre recherche en «Littérature et Enseignement» à l’INRP (Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique), nous avons proposé un travail sur ce texte poétique, donc l’objectif était . Readers without an adequate situational understanding (novices) were found to make quick judgments based on surface and textbase characteristics of the test sentences, while experts in addition utilized their situation model successfully, which required more processing time. selection and variation. Resume Cette experience a pour but d'etudier l'interaction entre la narration et la description en analysant la lecture et la memorisation de sequences descriptives enchâssees dans la macrostructure semantique d'un recit. (22 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved). Prior knowledge and story processing : integration, selection and variation. We conclude that audience design must play a central role in any adequate theory of understanding. the fiction convention, learning situations can only be explained by an interaction theory oriented towards the concept of latent sense structure and hence on particular child-adult-interactions.This hypothesis is provided with some empirical evidence which results from participatory observation in Kindergarten-children acting with (materially given) texts in naturally given situations.Finally the paper includes some perspectives of the concept of latent sense structure in interaction theory and its capacity to solve theoretical problems related to children's literary socialization. Version française Traducteur Norville Date de parution 1671 modifier La Poétique (en grec: Περὶ ποιητικῆς / Perì poiêtikês , « De la poétique ») est un ouvrage d’ Aristote portant … This research aims to study the effect of staging of a text on the interpretation of this text. of spatial strategies (Casey 2003). comprehension measures. In a repeated measures design, sixty undergraduates answered multiple-choice (MC) reading comprehension questions in a condition with no overarching goal for reading and in an alternate condition where the same students were first provided with the goal of, The theory of cognitive fit suggests that a match between the problem representation and the task results in a better problem solving performance. Pazzaglia et al. READ. Then the main problem of literary social action in children is dealt with outlining the concept of cognitive developmental psychology (viz. explique notamment que, si le texte n’est pas toujours compréhensible lors de la première lecture, c'est que les mots ne renvoient pas à des objets, à des choses, mais à des idées voire à des textes. The Annenberg CPB/Project provided support for entering this text. Le texte poétique est un texte littéraire qui cherche à susciter une émotion. - Today's communication theories are oriented towards complex, large-scale systems, and therefore require methods that provide multi-level access to the meaning of textual data. II. autres images du texte poetique. 1. Virginie Lambadaris, CPC Bruay-la-Buissière. Participants read narratives that conveyed a character’s goal early in the text, and an action was described later on that was either consistent or inconsistent with the goal. 9, 77-110, TRABASSO, T., & SPERRY, L.L., (1985), Causal Reladness and Piaget's theory of accommodation and assimilation). Une _____ : un groupe de vers Ils changent de nom selon le nombre de syllabe qu'ils comportent. In this paper, we extend the concept of cognitive fit to also account for the congruence between the external information and the internal representation of the user. ), The Poetics of Multilingualism – La Poétique du plurilinguisme, Cambridge, Cambridge Keys words : prose text, poetic text, text processing, mental models Dans la premiere partie, seront examinees les techniques le plus souvent utilisees par les chercheurs dans l'installation et l'etude des etats emotionnels. The results show that 11-year-olds spent more time on the inconsistent actions than on the consistent actions; in addition, 9-year-olds detected the inconsistency when illustrations were provided. In some significant way the subjects shifted the focus of attention from non-literary (‘common’) strategies to literary ones if and only if they felt free to refer to their past experience with literature and came up to ‘construe’ marks of the usually unintelligible text as signals of a poetical background. Du point de vue de cette dernière, Pouchkine est le centre. La poétique, théorie et pratique. J.-C.). Introduction. En effet, les syllabes ne sont pas toutes prononcées de manière identique : un accent d'intensité souligne la dernière syllabe (ou l'avant-dernière quand la dernière comporte un e muet) d'un mot ou d'un groupe de mots. (VSWM) in the processing of illustrated (Gyselinck et al. group listened to spatial and non-spatial texts while performing a spatial (spatial tapping) or verbal (articulatory) concurrent narratives, 257-266. However, most of them only focus on how to mine semantics from the text itself while the background knowledge, which is very important to text understanding, is not taken into consideration. The present experiment investigated reconstructive recall for linguistic style. IBZ Online Internationale Bibliographie der geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur [International bibliography of periodical literature in the humanities and social sciences] More options … Overview; Content; Search [+] Add row. good marker, Automatic document summarization is a highly interdisciplinary research area related with computer science as well as cognitive psychology. Experiment 1 demonstrated that our materials could show a predictability effect in a memory probe task following a rapid serial visual presentation sentence presentation. [Poétique (français). I Définition. Il faut, avant que les enfants n’écrivent, qu’ils aient en tête et dans l’oreille une certaine quantité de textes auxquels ils vont pouvoir se référer. How sentences from a discourse are recognized or verified can be explained by combining theories of item recognition derived from list-learning experiments with hypotheses about the representation of text in memory within the framework of the construction-integration model of discourse comprehension. We measured integrability separate from, Text representation is one of the most fundamental works in text comprehension, processing, and search. Publication date 1878 Collection europeanlibraries Digitizing sponsor Google Book from the collections of Oxford University Language French . Dans la quatrieme partie on presentera les travaux mettant en evidence l'influence, sur la recuperation, de l'identite de l'etat emotionnel du sujet lors de la memorisation et lors du rappel. Linguists and poeticians, theoricians of litterature and semioticians have worked out models to analyse the structure of a poetic text. Résumé ; Les vers les plus courants sont l’hexasyllabe (6 syllabes), l’octosyllabe (8), le décasyllabe (10) et l’alexandrin (12). XVe Congrès international et quinquennal de l'Association Guillaume Budé, organisé à la Faculté des Lettres, Langues et Sciences … In the first chapter the state of the art in empirical research on literary discourse processing is summarized. know, I will tell you what you can learn. The results indicate an effect of the staged text on the number of recalled informations and on inferential answers. Text memorisation was tested by free recall and sentence verification Ouvrir la recherche. Si propone quindi un ambiente per il Language Engeneering il cui obiettivo è quello di conciliare sia aspetti di software engineering che aspetti di tipo cognitivo, come per esempio la rappresentazione del modello mentale del parlante nel contesto di un dialogo. Paris 1995 (= Textes essentiels). Piuttosto che concentrarmi su un particolare problema riguardo il trattamento automatico del linguaggio naturale, ho tentato di trarre vantaggio dalla grande mole di risultati in Linguistica Computazionale, cercando di mescolare ed integrare tecniche e idee diverse. During a second session, a pair of G1 group (« dramatization » Group) performs a staged text. L'ensemble des resultats a ete examine du point de vue de la psychologie cognitive et plus particulierement dans le cadre des mecanismes de traitement de l'information et de la notion de l'encodage specifique. Pp. The Poetic Edda, tr. The study of the comprehension of a poetic text allows a confrontation between the different models which have been given by the specialists. memory and memory of narrative discourse. éd., rev. Une _____ = la répétition d'un ou plusieurs sons à la fin de deux vers. L'A. Stylistique et poétique françaises. Pour un art poétique Prenez un mot prenez en deux faites les cuir' comme des œufs prenez un petit bout de sens puis un grand morceau d'innocence faites chauffer à petit feu au petit feu de la technique versez la sauce énigmatique saupoudrez de quelques étoiles poivrez et mettez les voiles Où voulez vous donc en venir ? In this paper, the relative importance of the three paradigms is discussed, viz. aspects related to representation of a mental model of the speaker). predictability, and constructed two-sentence texts that varied them independently. Poétique d'Aristote (Nouv. The article gives a report on the theory and the results of a research project on the cognitive explanation of literary and expository texts. During a first session, two groups of students read a dialogue of Jean Tardieu, then produce a first recall (R1) and answer a first questionnaire (Q1) on the content of the text, and the " creative " inferences. Several previous investigations of story recall have consistently found that certain story constituents are better recalled than others, suggesting a universal, underlying representation for a story. These results are interpreted to mean that alternative high-level schemata can provide frameworks for assimilating a text, perhaps by providing "slots" for different types of information. 595 -611, This paper describes a tool for descriptive text processing which can, after tuition by the user, split entity descriptions into their constituent parts and associate a meaning with each of these parts. Tags. The existence of these restrictions places constraints on models of human processing, which necessarily include: (1) structures, or representations of information, including a fine-grained description of One of the main aspects I am concerned with in this work is the problem of their robustness. ARISTOTE Librairie Garnier Frères, collection "Chefs d'oeuvres de la littérature grecque", 1922. Experiment I shows that readers write better summaries of stories for which they have an appropriate schema than for stories for which they lack a schema, and that this effect is related to the overall organization of the story and does not lie at the level of single sentences. Ces resultats sont en accord avec l'hypothese selon laquelle : 1) le traitement des informations descriptives implique un re-traitement des informations narratives auxquelles elles sont associees et, 2) leur memorisation varie a la fois en fonction de l'importance relative des informations narratives associees et de leur role semantique dans le recit. Illustrations’ effectiveness was interpreted in terms of extra processing of the characters’ goal. Human In Experiment II, sequential recall of a story which deviated in various ways from the subjects’ story schema resulted in poor performance: the stories tended to break up after a chain of five sequential recalls, in contrast to a well‐structured, schema‐based story that was usually recalled quite completely and without serious distortions. Art Poétique de Paul Verlaine. CESSION, A, & DENHIERE, G., (1987), L'acquisition de connaissances à ed. The present paper explores the effect of a specific textual device, i.e. Pour un art poétique Prenez un mot prenez en deux faites les cuir' comme des œufs prenez un petit bout de sens puis un grand morceau d'innocence faites chauffer à petit feu au petit feu de la technique versez la sauce énigmatique saupoudrez de quelques étoiles poivrez et mettez les voiles Nella prima parte della tesi, si esplora l'universo del Language Engineering con il fine di meglio situare il mio contributo. It is oriented towards the idea of mental models. 1874]Poétique d'Aristote. Psychologie Française 1990-V1 Emile Ruelle, Bibliothécaire à la bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève. In: Revue des Études Grecques, tome In: Revue des Études Grecques, tome 119, Juillet-décembre 2006. pp. Images of social categories vs images of literary and non-literary objects. Le traitement cognitif des differents types d'enonces a ete etudie a l'entree, en enregistrant les temps de lecture, et a la sortie, en analysant les rappels libres immediat et differe (8 jours) de 60 sujets âges de 16 a 18 ans. In questa dissertazione mi sono concentrato sui vari aspetti legati al secondo problema, cercando di sviluppare una linea metodologica per la progetazione di applicazioni interattive basate sull'uso del linguaggio naturale, come ad esempio, i sistemi di domanda-risposta e i sistemi di dialogo a iniziativa mista. L'analyse des temps de lecture montre un effet de l'importance : les enonces importants (narratifs et descriptifs) sont lus plus longtemps ; et de la nature des enonces (narratifs > descriptifs). Glossa, 8, The results suggest that different levels of test-taking performance may depend on different forms of memory representation. x�����-I���W�L�����p�T*���/��! Narration. Il problema della robustezza nell'ambito dei sistemi per la gestione del dialogo è affrontato allo stesso tempo dal punto di vista computazionale e cognitivo. non-spatial texts. SPIRO, R.J., (1980), Prior knowledge and story processing : integration, are catalogue entries in an electronic components catalogue, descriptions of flora in a handbook of wild flowers and descriptions of drugs in a formulary. R. Kassel, Aristotle's Ars Poetica. ARISTOTE POETIQUE PDF - Aristote, Poetique. A - Les représentations. structural states at each phase of processing; and (2) operations, which characterize evolutions in these informational states (Denhiere and Baudet 1987). Presents an analysis of prose narratives that allows content to be identified as central and provides a priori rationale for why the content is central. The program, in essence, is a form of parser generator where the class of texts which may be parsed are those descriptions which are set out in a semi-structured way. Poétique. B - Définitions. Results from eye tracking analysis showed that when students read and answered questions without an overarching goal, they spent much less time reading the passages before answering the questions, more time re-reading the texts while answering the questions, and more time on parts of the text that were not necessary to answer the questions. �:E����. The results suggest that memory-based word-to-text integration is the default mechanism in updating a text’s meaning, with word-specific prediction playing a minor role. Littérature -- Histoire et critique -- Théorie, etc. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. Texte e"tabli et traduit par J. HARDY. Auteur Aristote Pays Royaume de Macédoine Genre Essai Version originale Langue Grec ancien Titre Περὶ ποιητικῆς Date de parution Vers 335 av. Pur essendo stati proposti svariati metodi per raggiungere tale obiettivo, questi metodi sono spesso difficili da portare su larga scala o da riutilizzare in altre applicazioni. Projet : construction personnelle et construction du groupe­classe par l'écriture de poèmes. Add tags for "Poétique des textes". In addition, we examined the effect of illustrations on integration process by using on-line, Intelligent information processing seems to be one of the most challenging task among those involved in human-computer interaction. Un poète peut écrire en vers libres (de longueurs différentes) ou en vers réguliers.